
The Nursery Day

Drop off and Pick Up:

Drop Off: Children attending morning sessions arrive at nursery for 8:45am and children attending afternoon sessions will arrive at 12:15pm. Children are greeted by familiar staff members and are signed in on our daily register. They are encouraged to remove their coats and bags and place their belongings on their pegs. The children then find their photo and place it on on the Self Registration board before entering the classroom where they can then start their activities.  

Pick Up: Morning sessions finish at 11:45am and afternoon sessions at 3:15pm (2:45pm for Full Time children). Prior to the end of the day we come together for a story and short circle time before children collect their belongings and are dismissed one at a time to their adult. Please ensure that you have provided a safe password to the school office prior to your child starting nursery. 

Lunch Times:

For children accessing full time sessions we enjoy story/ song time together and then the children wash their hands before sitting at the tables. Children have an option of a school meal or can bring a packed lunch which is then plated up by staff, ensuring that the children eat sandwiches and fruit before other items in their lunch boxes. Once they have finished, they all sit down on the carpet and share books together whilst staff clean the room ready for the afternoon session. 

Timetable for the day

8:45- Children welcomed into nursery, remove coats and self- registration

8:55-9:15- Writing our names and continuous provision. 

9:15-9:25- Good Morning, Daily Calendar and Storytime.

9:25-9:40- Daily Phonics sessions

9:40-10:00- Continuous Provision indoors

10:00- 10:30 Wash hands and snack time.

10:30- 11:20- Continuous Provision outdoors/ Target group activities

11:20- 11:40- Healthy Movers/ Cosmic Kids Yoga

11:40- 11:50- Number Sense/Maths activities 

11:45 -  AM session finishes -Home time 

11:45-12:15- Lunch Time for full time children 

12:15 - PM sessions begin and follow the same routine as morning sessions 

2:30-2:45 - Story Time and children gather belongings before home time.

2:45/3:15 - PM session ends. 

*For children accessing full time sessions which end at 2:45pm, if you would like to access an extra session 2:45-3:15pm you can do so at an additional cost, please inform the Nursery Class Lead if you require this. 

Truro Learning Academy
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