
Gwithian-Year 1

Mrs O'Neill


Mrs Kemp

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Gwithian Class
Welcome to Gwithian Class. We are really excited to continue your child’s learning journey into Year 1. 

We look forward to developing a love of reading with your child. Reading is the key to unlocking educational and lifetime opportunities. We really need your support with this and ask for you to read with your child at least five times a week and log this in their reading records. It is important that your child’s book bag is in to school every day and we ask you to check book bags regularly as we often send home letters and notes in them. 



Our P.E lessons are on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please can the children arrive in school wearing the school P.E kit on those days. 

Please can we ask you to clearly label your child’s belongings to ensure everything makes its way back to the correct child.



In Year 1, the children will be sent home with weekly spellings. These can be found on a grid in the back of their reading records. We will have a spelling test on a Friday. 


Phonics Screening Check 
In Year 1 we have a big focus on reading in preparation for the phonics screening check in June.  We do a progress check at the end of every half term and a mock screening in November and February.
See below for a copy of a previous Phonics Screening Check. We will be regularly working on these with the children so that they are familiar with them before the test takes place in June.
Please see the school Phonics page for more resources to support your child. 

Truro Learning Academy
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